The environmental approach towards new projects is briefly described. It is based on early execution of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The Rabi Field development in Gabon was the first large scale Shell project in a tropical rainforest where this approach was applied. The area is of considerable biological interest. Lessons learnt in the field are applied to further reduce the future impact on the environment.

Experience discussed relates to:

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    Protection of nature and cost saving;

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    Civil engineering practice in view of magnitude of work and rehabilitation;

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    Influence of design and mode of operation;

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    Gas flaring and reinjection;

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    Good housekeeping and waste management;

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    A seismic campaign where environmental considerations led to a safer, faster and cheaper survey.

It is concluded that base line study and EIA are necessary and effective tools to achieve minimal impact on the environment at optimal cost.

Much can be learnt from experiences in Rabi. Damage done during exploration and production activities in a tropical rainforest can be greatly reduced by innovative practices, by a change of mentality and a practical respect for nature.

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