This paper describes the environmental programme developed by Shell U.K. Exploration and Production (EXPR0) aiming at a continuous improvement of its environmental performance. The company operates a total of 33 platforms in the North Sea and has 3 land based gas treatment plants. The paper, therefore, relates mainly to the offshore environment.
The programme is driven by adopting a goal setting policy. The plan was initiated mid 1990 when an inventory was made of all gaseous emissions, liquid effluents and solid waste discharges of EXPR0, soperations during 1989. This baseline was used to identify the largest waste streams and to set priorities for the subsequent improvement programme. Areas for improvement are: atmospheric emissions from venting, flaring and the use of Freons and Halons, the use of Oil Based Mud (0BM), producedwater and the disposal of industrial waste. The programme has gained momentum and targets have been set.