This paper describes a research project to develop method and conduct test of "man-machine" ergonomic system underwater.
Researches of "man-machine" system underwater are carried during tests of divers operating hand tools in water tanks. Tets are held in shallow-up to 3,5m water tanks so only water effects is considered during studies, when the depth effect in reference to breathing mixture saturation and decompresion is not considered. During introductory experiments the divers were drilling holes in steel plates using three types of driller and in granite slabs using hydraulic percussion driller. Response of the "diver-driller" system was measured when conditions of work, as temperature of water, vibrations of driller were changing. Results of the experiments were discussed.
During tests the divers were monitored and physiological data were obtained. Turther tests concerning hand tool aplication and cooperation between divers, typical for underwater ventures are elaborated. These tests are worked out in connection with developed method of ergonomic evaluation of hand tools for underwater technologies.