Skin infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa occurs frequently among saturation divers. Efficient cleaning/disinfection, in aim to reduce contamination and spreading of infection-related microbes, is of vital importance in this environment.

This paper presents guidelines for cleaning /disinfection in saturation chambers, and focus on practical performance of the procedure. The guidelines are mainly based on results from field studies of infection- /disinfection in operational saturation chamber systems in the North Sea.

In the presented guidelines, a distinction is made between pressurized and non-pressurized chambers. Complete cleaning/disinfection are to be performed in chambers at surface. For the main cleaning /disinfection of chambers under pressure, use of disposable equipment and frequent replacement of the shower-sets is outlined.

The new procedures are from operational studies shown to highly increase the efficiency of cleaning/disinfection. The new procedures are implemented onboard some diving vessels during the diving season 1991.

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