Purpose of this paper is to describe how a provider of Solutions for the Energy Transition and Decarbonization of society can demonstrate the positive impact of its solutions and products on the reduction of GHG emissions. The focus is to highlight the potential positive impact that the Energy Transition enablers may have in reducing the emissions of Clients through the adoption of their products and services, thus pursuing at the same time decarbonization of the society.
The present paper establish a robust and coherent methodology to comprehensively measure, assess, and compare the avoided emissions of innovative solutions that help reduce GHG emissions in society by contributing to the global Net Zero development path. The reduction of GHG emissions that a solution enables with respect to a baseline scenario, where the solution is not implemented, is called ‘Avoided Emissions’. Due to their forward-looking nature, avoided emissions are the result of a comparative exercise between emissions associated with an identified reference scenario (Business as Usual case) and emissions associated with the adopted innovative solutions.
The avoided emissions assessment is applied to both energy transition solutions designed to enable innovative and sustainable processes, optimize conventional processes or create new process from non-fossil feedstock and innovative and efficient solutions according to the latest available technique aimed at improving the energy efficiency and reduce the fuel and power consumptions of complex process plants. The methodology allows to identify the eligibility of a solution for the avoided emissions assessment, defines the scenario and the timeframe in which the avoided emissions shall be estimated and provides the quantitative method to calculate the avoided emissions. When the avoided emission solution is related to a new process/technology a complete Life Cycle Assessment is performed for both the innovative technology and the compared "business as usual" technology, the Global Warming Potential of each technology is estimated and the difference is calculated and reported as avoided emission. When the avoided emission solution is related to a plant based on third-party technologies or not related to new processes the GHG emissions are estimated for the innovative solution and the business as usual solutions relying on LCA approach or on other certified GHG emissions estimating tools and the difference is calculated.
According to this innovative methodological framework all the potential avoided emissions of an Energy Transition Enabler are identified and measured, allowing companies with significant opportunities to reduce emissions through their products and services to quantify those contributions and encouraging to their increase. Providing solutions and actions aimed to reduce the GHG Emissions outside its own value chain allow the Energy Transition enablers to address the climate change in a full role.