Road safety continues to be one of the great challenges facing upstream/downstream oil & gas companies. Since 2001, ADNOC Onshore has consistently improved its road safety performance and achieved its best performance in 2008 by recording Vehicle Accident Frequency (VAF) of 0.11. However, due to increased number of vehicles, induction of new drivers and increasing journey distances, the road safety performance has become a challenge to both ADNOC Onshore and its contractors. Drilling operations are risky activities due to its nature and driving, as one of the support services, is one of the riskiest activities

In 2014, various initiatives were adopted, following an increased number of road traffic accidents (RTAs), to enhance road safety performance for drilling function through a barrier analysis approach. This approach included:

  • Identification of key barriers

  • Assessing strength of barriers

  • Assessing effectiveness of barriers after strengthening

One of the major risks in Oil & Gas Operations is injuries from Road Traffic Accidents. Drilling locations are situated in remote locations with access through Blacktop, sand and Gatch Roads driving over 25 Million kilometers (65 trips to moon) annually using both light and heavy vehicles to run 24 hour operations. Since 2014, key efforts (monitoring, assurance & governance) exerted to strengthening of barriers to prevent road traffic accidents, which initiated a behavioural change among drivers and resulted on a sharp decline in Vehicle Accident Frequency (VAF) from 0.35 in 2014 to 0.1 in 2017. In 2018, Q1 due to weakening of these barriers, VAF increased.

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