In a cost-constrained environment, operating companies in the industry turn to efficiency and cost- control measures, which often result in fewer resources for competency development and training of the workforce. Although business decisions such as cutting organizational capability (OC) programs have been observed in oil and gas, effective training of human resources is an important key to organizational success. Companies can gain a competitive advantage by building foundational capabilities that allow employees to effectively and efficiently execute on deliverables.

Various training and delivery methods can be used to deliver key messages and increase competency in a company's workforce. However, developing a structured program based on the needs of the learner is essential to the success of an OC initiative. Analyses demonstrate that employees will need different types of training and development experiences at different stages of their career; therefore, OC programs should be tailored to targeted audiences. For the Health, Environment and Safety (HES) function, building OC supports the value placed protecting the people and the environment in oil and gas operations. This paper explores three OC programs focused on effective, efficient, and tailored employee development through the sharing of best practices and lessons learned during a refresh of the programs. To achieve this objective, a literature review, project lookback, and cost analysis were conducted.

A cost-savings opportunity of over $6 million per year was revealed while continuing to increase competency and improve productivity throughout the various stages of an employee's career. The blended approach of learning was incorporated into the training and development programs allowing the organization "to adapt, compete, excel, innovate, produce, be safe, improve service and reach goals" in a downturn environment (Salas et al. 2012).

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