The value of positive reinforcement for instilling good HSE behaviors is well-documented and plays a vital role in motivating employees to improve and reach for the next level of HSE performance. However, it's not easy to design a credible HSE recognition program that drives excellence and is aligned with company goals and objectives, without adding an undue administrative burden.

Our HSE recognition programs have evolved over time as our organization has changed, and as we learned what worked and what did not. Key lessons described in this paper include how to maintain the energy of participants; determining whether the program should be inclusive or exclusive; matching the scope and breadth of the program to the culture of the company; and the type and value of rewards given. We also drew input from a benchmarking study conducted in 2009 which looked at recognition programs at peer companies and large companies from other industries.

The cornerstone is our annual HSE awards program, which promotes team leadership by recognizing teams that have achieved excellent HSE performance in alignment with our business and HSE goals and initiatives. The most coveted of these awards is the Chairman's HSE Excellence Award, which has a 15 year track recor d of success and is presented by the CEO. This program evolved since its inception, when it was designed to be inclusive and recognized teams that met or exceeded target criteria for the prior year. This award is now presented to only five teams globally that have best demonstrated sustained HSE excellence over a three-year period.

As the Chairman's Award was refined into a more exclusive recognition program, a second award program was introduced. The new President's HSE Recognition award program was designed to recognize superior HSE performance during the past year and is bestowed by business segment presidents. The program consists of two awards: The President's HSE Performance Award (which recognizes performance based upon leading HSE indicators) and the President's Perfect HSE Day Award. Both awards require teams to achieve 365 Perfect HSE Days – a full year with no recordable injuries, serious motor vehicle accidents, and no major spills. More than 110 teams won a President's HSE award in 2014, up from 42 in the first year.

Additional HSE recognition programs are managed on a local level to reward employees for proactive HSE efforts, including Stop Work, superior HSE Observations and heroic efforts to help fellow employees or community members, among others. Together, these recognition programs serve to build our HSE Culture by providing a lofty target to aspire to and strive for, stretching and challenging employees to achieve breakthrough HSE performance.

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