Corporate sustainability increasing requires sustainable supply chain management. This concept has been successfully applied in Colombia, where Mansarovar Energy operates, but had not involved the hydrocarbon sector. Mansarovar saw an opportunity for the adoption of a sustainable supply chain model and in 2015 adapted one to meet their specific needs. The resulting Web+, where Mansarovar acted as the anchor company, is still in its pilot stage but results have been encouraging. The model was designed as a voluntary partnership to promote sustainability within supplier and contractor activities that are part of Mansarovar's supply chain with the support of a certified training/enabler organisation. Ten participants were involved and the seven successfully proposed sustainability projects are estimated to save $117,000 per annum due to the resulting reduction in energy, waste and agro-chemicals consumption and other social or organizational co-benefits. This indicates that sustainable practices are all the more important when oil price drops and are integral to hydrocarbon sector profitability in both the short and long term.

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