BP Trinidad and Tobago (bpTT) operations include 2 drilling rigs, platforms in construction, seismic programmes, 11 offshore platforms, an onshore gas processing facility and a loading terminal and marine base. In 2003 the Day Away from Work Case Frequency (DAFWCF) was 0.12 and the Recordable Incident Frequency (RIF) was 0.78. This relatively poor safety performance was reflected in the BP E&P Safety Matrix where bpTT was the lowest ranked Business Unit of 24 E&P Businesses. This led to a deep introspection and re-emphasis on a proactive safety culture. The following three years, bpTT changed focus and embarked on a rigorous plan to deliver proactive safety performance.
The following three years, bpTT changed focus and embarked on a rigorous plan to deliver proactive safety performance. This plan focused on:
▪Building safety leadership for risk reduction - Formal monthly safety leadership discussions with CEO and operational leaders; leadership site visits; leadership delivery of Quarterly Safety Reviews with workforce
▪Investing in Safety Leading Indicators trends - Eight areas of proactive safety interventions identified and tracked weekly for each team; team performance targets set; weekly leadership reviews
▪BP Group Standards - Implementation of the Control of Work, Integrity Management and Driving Safety standards
▪Building and Improving HSSE Competency - Building HSSE professional competency; gap analysis performed and training plans developed and actioned; supervisors accountable for delivery of development plans
▪Proactive Safety Communication - Employees stand-down for Quarterly Safety Reviews to discuss trends observed in leading indicators
▪Understanding and Taking action on the organization's Safety Culture
▪Improving the reporting, investigation and lessons learned processes for all incidents
▪Improving the bottom's up feed of risks from operations
The results showed bpTT moving to the top quartile of HSSE performance in the top three of the BP E&P Safety Matrix with a RIF ranging from 0.32 to 0.4 and a DAFWCF of 0.00. This radical approach to improving safety performance is changing the way we operate and continuously showing BPTT continuous commitment to making the workplace a safer place to work.