Today, Companies invest considerable resources in generating and optimizing management tools to improve the performance in Quality, Safety, Health and the Environment. However, few of them have stopped to visualize the Organization as a focal point where a set of implicit and explicit contracts with stakeholders converges.
In this paper, we focus on showing the importance of Leadership, Strategic Direction, Organizational Architecture and Communication as "the determinants" for generating an Organizational Culture that integrates the Safety Concept.
Leadership will be presented as an independent phenomenon of organizational hierarchies, and as a set of choices in order to act aligned to Company Vision.
Strategic Direction will be shown as a tool for generating adequate incentives, by means of a correct design of company strategy that permits a powerful alignment of objectives.
Organizational Architecture will be developed in its three axes and their inter-relationships: Authority and Empowerment, Performance Evaluation, and Rewards. Their intelligent connection facilitates daily individual decisions aligned with Company's Strategy.
Communication will be focused on satisfying personnel needs in all levels of hierarchy: orientation, tolerance, attention and interest; and reinforcing implicit and explicit contracts that were established by Leadership, Strategic Direction and Organizational Architecture.
Finally, we will demonstrate how these four aspects result in Safety integrated to Organizational Culture, where Safety's criteria is incorporated in all stages of business process, and personnel has authority and empowerment on individual and collective safety enabling effective and sustainable results.