In order to develop a renewed strategy for the emissions of greenhouse gases against internal and external commitments we have undertaken a number of steps
Full analyses of the data on energy consumption, venting and flaring for all of the operating units, which are currently in the baseline.
A forecast of the expected emissions based on a portfolio development, assuming certain CO2 or greenhouse gas emission intensities related to the type of oil and or gas production.
An analysis of the option available to reduce, minimise or mitigate the greenhousegas emissions, with a focus on operational and design measures as well as captureand sequestration options. The work clearly revealed a shift in quality and accuracy of the data sets, with significant improvements over time. In addition the consensus on which substances contribute as greenhouse gas has changed as well, which impacts the reported GWP in CO2 equivalents. For example in the initial assessments VOC, SO2 and NOx were included and the factor for methane and halons have changed.