In the management of Health Safety Environment (HSE), emphasis is usually placed on safety due to its immediate and great visual impact when accidents happen. This immediate great visual impact generates keen media interest. Occupational illness and related death, on the other hand, tend to develop slowly and surreptitiously and many remained undiagnosed. This being the case, they do not generate great media interest and consequently remain overshadowed by safety issues. It is therefore, crucial that health be consciously addressed in the management of HSE. The development of occupational health services is to be in line with the HSE Policy statement of the organization as well as taking into consideration industry practice and statutory requirements of the country. As for safety, top management commitment is a pre-requisite to the success of occupational health management. Health risk assessment determines the required occupational health program. Standards for this can be adopted from local laws and or industry or international codes. Successful implementation of occupational health program requires competent personnel that are scarce making it one of the biggest challenges in Malaysia. For PETRONAS, a network of Regional Occupational Health Advisers (ROHAs) was developed to serve and coordinate occupational health service for all the regions in the country and is supported by the Regional Industrial Hygienists (RIHAs). Each Operating Unit develops a team of health risk assessors and hygiene technicians. To conduct medical examinations and surveillance, a group of Approved Medical Examiners (AMEs) are also appointed. All the ROHAs and AMEs are required to be trained in occupational health.