Well workover and completion operations presents multiple challenges due to the fact that operator have to plan ahead to select feasible completion equipment and tools in order to ensure that all the objectives are met from a well authority standpoint for expected production, future well interventions and expenditures during well lifecycle.

An ESP Y-Tool completion design is presented that uses a tail pipe to connect onto straddle packers creating a continuous path and permanent access for interventions below.

The novelty of this design is the ability to utilize straddle packers instead of spotting and squeezing cement for zonal isolation and still have access to conduct well interventions on zones below these straddle packers rig-less, optimizing workover rig utilization.

The ESP Y-Tool tail pipe has been modified to include a perforated pup joint with a centralized latch assembly, which connects to the straddle packer and eliminate the need of removing this assembly for future well interventions.

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