Due to its maturity, many fields of light-medium crude oil have entered a stage of declining production. This allows putting into perspective the crucial role that non-conventional hydrocarbon resources must meet in providing energy for the future, such as heavy oil, extra heavy oil. Enhanced recovery techniques to exploit these reservoirs are quite varied, including the polymers injection; it is to add polymers into the water injection of high molecular weight before being injected into the reservoir, thereby improving mobility ratio water - oil. This study examines the feasibility of applying the polymer injection process in mature reservoirs BAINF 60 and BAMED 78 of Interfield North Area, located in Bachaquero Zulia State, Venezuela; using the simulation software Polymer Flood Predictive Model (PPMTM) is based predictive models. The methodology included the evaluation of field’s worldwide parameters; initially making a state of the art of the process, generating a set of application criteria; the simulation of these parameters defined the injection and production in the area. This study analyzed the parameters of viscosity, ° API, sand thickness, porosity, permeability, temperature and depth. Among the most important results obtained is that for the BAINF 60, applies the polymer injection process to an injection rate of 120 bbl / day, with a well spacing of 700 feet, a polymer concentration of 1800 ppm and solution viscosity of 32 cps, giving a recovery factor of 56%, 19% increase respect for the original. In the BAMED 78 case, this is limited by the high viscosity oil has, recommended by studying the application of any process mentioned area.