A long-term monitoring project included collection of fiber-optic data in one well of a multi-well development for the first few years of production. We demonstrate a benefit to including the fiber data in rate transient analysis (RTA). The fiber data also reveals communication between stages along the monitored well and communication with the offset wells. We use a calibrated hydraulic fracture model to simulate fracture stimulation of wells in the development. Fiber data gathered at the time of stimulation included both distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and distributed temperature sensing (DTS). Additionally, DTS was acquired over two years of production and used to help calibrate the model and associated RTA. For comparison purposes, RTA was performed on the wells with and without consideration of the DTS data to quantify the benefit of including the fiber data. We conclude that the fiber data was highly beneficial in both the fracture propagation modeling and the resulting RTA process. The time-lapse data allowed for visual interpretation of how the flow behavior of different stimulation stages along the lateral are not constant. Early time heel or toe dominance can, and likely will, disappear over time. The data also indicates that the child wells were in communication with each other at varying levels during treatment and post-production. We provide a workflow for incorporating these varied data to provide a long-term overview of multi-well production and interference behavior. Additionally, we provide insight on the use of years of DTS datasets for unconventional wells, which are still relatively rare in the literature.

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