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Proceedings Papers
SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference
January 19–21, 2009
The Woodlands, Texas
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SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference
Point-Source Fracturing: Extension of the LMN Analytical Model to Turbulent Flow
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Stress and Rock Property Profiling for Unconventional Reservoir Stimulation
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Proppant Transport of Fracturing Gels is Influenced by Proppant Type
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Improved Friction Reducer for Hydraulic Fracturing
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Factors Controlling the Vertical Growth of Hydraulic Fractures
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Optic Fiber Distributed Temperature for Fracture Stimulation Diagnostics and Well Performance Evaluation
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Propped Fracturing in High Temperature Deep Carbonate Formation
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
First Application of High Density Fracturing Fluid to Stimulate a High Pressure and High Temperature Tight Gas Producer Sandstone Formation of Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Irrational Fracturing — How Heuristics and Biases Affect Judgments in Fracpacking
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Modified API/ISO Crush Tests With a Liquid-Saturated Proppant Under Pressure Incorporating Temperature, Time, and Cyclic Loading: What Does It Tell Us?
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
A Multi-Continuum Model for Gas Production in Tight Fractured Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Investigation of Flow Behavior of Slick-Water in Large Straight and Coiled Tubing
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Multiple Transverse Fracturing in Horizontal Open Hole Allows Development of a Low-Permeability Reservoir in the Foukanda Field, Offshore Congo
Alberto Casero; Loris Tealdi; Roberto Luis Ceccarelli; Antonio Ciuca; Giamberardino Pace; Brad Malone; James Athans
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Examining Our Assumptions – Have Oversimplifications Jeopardized Our Ability to Design Optimal Fracture Treatments?
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
How to Use and Misuse Proppant Crush Tests – Exposing the Top 10 Myths
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
A Simple and Accurate Model for Well Productivity for Hydraulically Fractured Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Application of a New Compositional Model for Hydraulic Fracturing With Energized Fluids: A South Texas Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Quantifying Proppant Transport for Complex Fractures in Unconventional Formations
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Inflow Performance for a Hydraulic Fracture in a Deviated Well
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Stress Amplification and Arch Dimensions In Proppant Beds Deposited by Waterfracs
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Hydraulic Fracture Offsetting in Naturally Fractures Reservoirs: Quantifying a Long-Recognized Process
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
2D Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture Initiating at a Wellbore with or without Microannulus
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Analysis of Reserve Recovery Potential from Hydraulic Fracture Reorientation in Tight Gas Lenticular Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Hydraulic Fracturing Using Heavy Brine and Microseismic Monitoring in Yufutsu Oil and Gas Field
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Fracture Design Considerations in Horizontal Wells Drilled in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
The Effect of Proppant Distribution and Un-Propped Fracture Conductivity on Well Performance in Unconventional Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Assigning value to stimulation in the Barnett Shale: a simultaneous analysis of 7000 plus production hystories and well completion records
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Computing Estimated Values of Optimal Fracture Half Length in the Tight Gas Sand Advisor Program
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Fracture Growth in Horizontal Injectors
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
New Frac Fluid Provides Excellent Proppant Transport and High Conductivity
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Maximizing Return on Fracturing Investment by Using Ultra-Lightweight Proppants to Optimize Effective Fracture Area: Can Less Really Deliver More?
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Solid Production Chemicals Added with the Frac for Scale, Paraffin and Asphaltene Inhibition
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Comprehensive Coupled Modeling Analysis of Stimulations and Post-Frac Productivity—Case Study of a Tight Gas Field in Wyoming
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Unconventional Fracturing Fluids for Tight Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Pinpoint Hydrajet Fracturing in Multilayered Sandstone Formation Completed with Slotted Liners
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Hydraulic Fracturing: Modeling and Optimization Using Latest Generation Logs and Conductivity Optimization Technologies
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Frac Fluid Recycling and Water Conservation: A Case History
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Increasing Reservoir Contact by Combining Mechanical Diversion and Unique Stimulation Chemistry
Christian P. Veillette; Jerome J. Cuzella; Fred A. Mueller; Michael P. Loayza; Rafael Malaver; Bayan Abaza; M. Nihat Gurmen
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Quantifying Transient Effects in Altered-Stress Refracturing of Vertical Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Determining Propped Fracture Width from a New Tracer Technology
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Are You Buying Too Much Friction Reducer Because of Your Biocide?
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Impact of Capillary Suction on Fracture Face Skin Evolution in Waterblocked Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Overcoming Excessive Fluid Loss in Tip-Screen-Out Stimulations of Depleted, High-Permeability Reservoirs Using a New-Generation Viscoelastic Fluid: Successful Case Histories in West Venezuela
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Seismic Velocity Model Calibration Using Dual Monitoring Well Data
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Acid–Etched Channels in Heterogeneous Carbonates — A Newly Discovered Mechanism for Creating Acid Fracture Conductivity
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Operators Evaluate Various Stimulation Methods for Multizone Stimulation of Horizontals in Northeast British Columbia
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Acid Fracturing: The Effect of Formation Strength on Fracture Conductivity
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Modeling Fracture Fluid Cleanup in Tight Gas Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Successful Optimization of Viscoelastic Foamed Fracturing Fluids with Ultra-Lightweight Proppants for Ultra Low Permeability Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Fracture Containment in Soft Sands by Permeability or Strength Contrasts
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Simultaneous Hydraulic Fracturing of Adjacent Horizontal Wells in the Woodford Shale
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Barnett Shale Refracture Stimulations Using a Novel Diversion Technique
D. I. Potapenko; S. K. Tinkham; B. Lecerf; C. N. Fredd; M. L. Samuelson; M. R. Gillard; J. H. Le Calvez; J. L. Daniels
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Modeling Simultaneous Growth of Multiple Hydraulic Fractures and Their Interaction With Natural Fractures
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Surface Etching Pattern and its Effect on Fracture Conductivity in Acid Fracturing
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Method and Apparatus for Simultaneous Stimulation of Multi-Well Pads
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
Fiber-Laden Fluid—Applied Solution for Addressing Multiple Challenges of Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Siberia
Paper presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, January 2009. doi:
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