Criteria for designating tight formations according to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order 99 include limits on maximum permeability and rates of natural production versus depth. Requests for such tight formation designation are to be accompanied by locations of all wells producing from that formation or by a listing of all producing wells.

The role of the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey in this State's recent successful submittal to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was that of providing the necessary computer-generated maps and listings of well documentation for the proposal for Fayette and Raleigh Counties. Similar work for most of West Virginia is in progress. Using a computerized database containing information from drillers' logs, penetration and production maps were plotted showing well locations, permit numbers, and well type (gas, oil, combination, or dry/miscellaneous) for specific pay sands. Precision of the maps depends ultimately upon the quality of the data submitted on the drillers' logs.

Current to within the past 3 to 6 months, the computerized database can be accessed through request-specific utility programs which prepare working files for the SURFACE II mapping package. The maps thus produced expedited definition of both scattered and concentrated areas of production and areas of dry penetrations; associated listings supplied the necessary well documentation including natural open flow rates. Rapid delivery of these maps and reports illustrates the value of maintaining detailed, computerized files on well completions. (Permission to publish is granted by the Director and State Geologist, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.)

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