Liquid-rich shale plays (LRS) in North America have recently gained a lot of attention. Commercialization of these plays is now possible due to new technology, such as multi-fractured horizontal wells (MFHW). Along with such developments, there is an increased requirement to develop consistent reservoir-engineering methods to analyze multi-phase production data in such reservoirs. Large drawdowns required to produce these very low permeability formations complicate production analysis due to condensate drop-out near the wellbore or fracture face.
Hydraulically-fractured vertical and horizontal wells completed in tight formations typically exhibit long periods of transient linear flow. This paper discusses a novel production data analysis technique for constant flowing bottomhole pressure (pwf < pdew) wells producing from fractured LRS reservoirs. Our focus in this work is on cases where the initial reservoir pressure is well above the dew point pressure, as occurs in highly-undersaturated portions of the Eagle Ford Formation. A theoretical basis is developed for analysis of the transient linear flow period for these cases, and the effect of initial pressure on well performance is studied. The governing flow equation is linearized using appropriately defined two- phase pseudopressure and pseudotime functions, where the liquid solution analogy can be applied. This approach provides an accurate estimation of the linear flow parameter (xf√k) in multi-phase flow situations. Fine-grid compositional and black oil numerical models are used to validate the results. This work provides a robust analytical framework for production analysis of liquid-rich shale reservoirs as well as practical guidelines for real world applications.