A large amount of hydrocarbon fluids in shale formations are stored within the organic matters where the pore sizes are in the order of nanometer scales. Inside these nanopores, the interactions between the fluid molecules and porous walls play such an important role that can change the phase behavior as well as transport mechanisms of the hydrocarbon fluids. For a shale gas reservoir, the natural gas in the reservoir is usually stored in two forms, free gas and adsorbed gas. The region where free gas is stored has negligible fluid-wall interactions while the region for adsorbed gas is under strong pore wall influence. The current available equations of state cannot capture the phase behavior of the adsorbed gas phase due to the ignorance of the fluid-wall interactions.

This work focuses on modifying the Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EOS) using the Simplified Local-Density (SLD) theory. From the modified PR-EOS, the fluid density at any arbitrary position inside the pore can be calculated using the local density approximation. A density profile for any particular hydrocarbon fluids can be obtained by calculating the local densities of the fluids at each discretized interval along the pore. From the density profile one can distinguish the regions of adsorbed phase, transition phase and bulk phase of the fluids. The thickness and averaged fluid densities for each phase can also be obtained from the model. Once the thickness of the absorbed phase is known, it is possible to determine whether adsorption is a single layer or multilayer.

Our preliminary results show that depending on fluid types, either a single layer or multilayer adsorption is presented in those nanometer pores near the pore wall. The pore size range we focused on was from 100 nm to 1 nm. Methane and n-Butane were considered as fluids. When the pore size gets smaller and smaller, the absorbed layers at opposite pore walls can be merged together and result in the absence of the bulk fluid phase in the center areas of the pores. In this case, all the fluids in the pore are under influence of the wall. Our results also indicate that the fluid-wall interactions can have a much larger impacts on light components (methane) rather than heavy components (n-butane). That is, the density of the adsorbed phase of methane is more than two times the free gas density of methane (bulk density), while the n-butane adsorbed density is only slightly higher than its bulk density. The model has also been validated with molecular simulations for accuracy approval.

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