A novel method to rapidly screen potential horizontal refracturing candidates utilizing production performance and completion data analysis is presented. Candidate selection methods based solely on production comparison analysis are not very effective (Reeves, 2000). Integration of initial hydraulic fracture completion details augments the process and helps in screening understimulated wells in different production classes. To accomplish this, a new index called a "completion index" is defined after analysis of the completion parameters, production behavior and their inter-relationship. Typically, a completion index will be based on the well completion and stimulation job parameters, such as completion type, fluid volume, proppant volume, completed interval length, number of stages etc. The production index is a time normalized production indicator representative of longer-term production or expected ultimate recovery. A crossplot of production indicators and the completion index is used in the initial screening of potential candidates.
This method enables fast and efficient screening of wells with a below- average completion index and similar production index from thousands of wells. The screened candidates can then be taken to a higher tier of analysis that integrates the production performance and completion information with available petro-physical data and geological information. A reservoir quality indicator along the horizontal laterals can be extracted from the reservoir model and analyzed with completion index to better understand the production drivers.
Based on the data sets studied from Barnett shale areas it was possible to rapidly shortlist 15–20% of the wells from a large well population for further detailed analysis. Wells with an average and higher production index with below average completion index proved to be better candidates in terms of economic payout.