It is common practice in the industry to complete multiple reservoirs in a single wellbore in order to establish commercial production rates from tight gas completions. In some cases these zones are separated vertically by several hundred to over a thousand feet. The deliquification of these completions is one of the most challenging problems facing our industry. Many of the deliquification methods currently being utilized are effective over only a portion of the wellbore. In many cases these methods do not allow for removal of liquid across the entire completed interval. If the liquid is not effectively removed from the well, the near wellbore region will become saturated with fluid and reduce the well's productivity. This paper will propose a new completion strategy which has been incorporated into the completion of tight gas wells to address the problems associated with deliquification of long completion intervals. Laboratory experiments and field data will be presented to quantify the effects of inadequate liquid removal. A case study will also be presented to demonstrate the successful application of this alternate completion strategy. This completion strategy applies to unconventional gas wells, vertical and horizontal gas wells.