In recent times, a continuous fiberglass rod pumping system has been designed for producing low volumes of fluid from gas wells that are loaded up with water. This system utilizes an efficient, low horsepower pumping unit, which operates on a ½ horsepower, solar powered DC electric motor. A conventional insert type rod pump is utilized so that pump changes do not require a work over rig, only the use of a spool trailer.

Other than using solar power this system is installed in two other configurations: 1) Hybrid – using available electricity and 2) Just the continuous fiberglass rod under a conventional beam pumping unit. In any configuration the goal is to minimize friction losses, so a small motor can power the system. Small diameter plunger limits both the fluid load lifted by the rods and limits the amount of fluid volume that can be produced to the surface, but only a few barrels per day of water can lead to liquid loading and killing flow from a gas well. Dynamometer and fluid level measurements will be presented to show the performance of several of the existing systems – Solar and Hybrid. Depth limitations for the ½″ diameter fiberglass rod will be discussed. Small diameter pump, small pumping unit size and light weight continuous rods allow the operator to use less than 1 hp motor to power the system.

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