A significant challenge for Coal Bed Methane producers is dealing with the impacts of high density development needed to effectively recover the natural gas resource. One such concern is the need to meet regulatory requirements for environmental noise as stated in the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) Directive 038: Noise Control (ERCB Directive 038) and Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGC) Aesthetic& Noise Control Regulations, Series 800 (COGCC Noise Regulations). Anyone who has ever been involved in the process of complying with regulatory noise standards will agree that it is a complex and challenging task. Some regulated companies struggle through this process often dealing with unfamiliar considerations such as trying to predict facility noise levels before it is even built, or gambling on a best guess as to what is the right, least expensive amount of noise mitigation needed to meet regulatory requirements for environmental and occupational noise. Even the best of intentioned operators fail to hit the mark, sometimes by wide margins and end up with a situation that is potentially worse than when they started. No company wants to go through a process where in the end a lot of time, resources, and public confidence have been lost not to mention now being in a regulatory non-compliant status.

This paper will elucidate valuable lessons & experience learned and case histories for the successful approach to noise solutions accepted by regulatory agencies and industry clients. In addition to discussing the complexities of acoustical engineering practices this presentation will also cover the most significant points of ERCB Directive 038 and COGCC Noise Regulations.

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