As the demand for natural Gas in the Sultanate Of Oman rises both internally through domestic and industrial growth, and externally through the LNG export, the development of more gas fields becomes a necessity. Being centrally located, close to existing central processing plant, and with considerable volume in place, the rich gas-condensate Saih Nihayda field, is seen as the next candidate for development.
A full field model was built for Saih Nihayda to study uncertainties and investigate the optimum development option for the three deep stacked reservoirs. The hydrostatically pressured Barik sandstone being the shallowest and the most complex is a gas-condensate reservoir, whereas the Miqrat and the Amin sandstone are both over-pressured dry gas reservoirs.
This paper details an integrated approach followed in assessing the impact of various uncertainties on development options. It highlights the modelling process from seismic inversion to demand driven forecasting and economic assessment. Special attention was paid to gas-condensate specific phenomena such as condensate impairment.
Beside the high technical demand associated with understanding the physical behaviours of gas-condensate reservoirs, the variability in static and dynamic characteristics of the three Saih Nihayda sandstone reservoirs offers commercially challenging development options.
Comparison studies included commingled reservoir production versus non-commingled and the impact of hydraulic fracturing versus non-fracturing on reduction in total well numbers and acceleration of early condensate. The paper touches on the benefit of variability in characteristics coupled with economical and technical viability on considering exotic development options like dump-flooding and gas recycling.