In this paper, we present and demonstrate that the implementation of an efficient Project Management Strategy has effectively contributed in a safe and successful completion of a very complex 3D OBN Seismic Survey in congested Oil fields. Thus, delivering high quality data on schedule and within the predetermined budget at the full satisfaction of all involved parties and stakeholders.

Strong commitment to HSSE Standards and working as an integrated One-Team with full collaboration and continuous communication between all the Team members are among the main Success Factors of the 3D seismic survey which was carried out during the critical period of COVID-19. Moreover, the deployment of experienced personnel, advanced and reliable Technologies with adequate equipment have also extended the efficiency of this OBN 3D seismic survey.

Preliminary results of 3D seismic data processing, interpretation and reservoir characterization are also briefly presented and discussed as a clear enhancement of data quality was already observed compared to the legacy 3D OBC data set.

A fast track small 3D cube was successfully processed as an utmost and urgent priority for appraisal well selection, design and drilling.

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