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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europe Energy Conference and Exhibition, June 26–28, 2024
Paper Number: SPE-220112-MS
... Hydrogen Susceptibility Ratio ( Fig. 4 ) A very popular chart, is the potential stat for hydrogen to begin. With thermal diffused zinc the OCP may be -.865mV to -.850mV on the surface with 10% Fe. But as we eventually wear away the surface the OCP = -.825mV and has a 28% Fe closer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europe Energy Conference and Exhibition, June 26–28, 2024
Paper Number: SPE-220008-MS
... D ij – Diffusion coefficient of binary mixture [ m 2 / s ] In the paper we estimate hydrogen-methane diffusion coefficients, which can be used as an input for numerical simulation studies. Considering diffusion through porous medium, the diffusion coefficient needs to be adjusted...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE EuropEC - Europe Energy Conference featured at the 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, June 5–8, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-214350-MS
... that control the amount and pattern of salt precipitation and clogging due to water vaporization. Their values are determined by the complex interplay between viscous force, gravity, the evaporation of water into the CO 2 stream, the molecular diffusion of dissolved salt in the brine, and surface phenomena...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE EuropEC - Europe Energy Conference featured at the 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, June 5–8, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-214435-MS
... the production cycle of UHS, numerical simulation was applied. One of the important processes in UHS is molecular diffusion within the reservoir. The hydrogen recovery factor and methane to hydrogen production ratio were compared for cases with and without diffusive mass flux. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec, December 1–3, 2020
Paper Number: SPE-200596-MS
... In this work, the Dusty-Gas implementation of the real gas version of the Maxwell-Stefan formulation is used to account for molecular and Knudsen diffusion. Additionally, Darcy's law is used to represent convective fluxes, and adsorption and desorption is considered using Extended Langmuir theory...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, June 3–6, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-195559-MS
.... (1981) , Majeed et al . (1990) , Brown et al . (1993) , Singh et al . (1999) , Azevedo and Teixeira (2003) and Aiyejina et al . (2011) include; molecular diffusion, Brownian diffusion, shear dispersion, gravity settling and shear stripping. As of today, the actual relevance of all...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, June 3–6, 2019
Paper Number: SPE-195532-MS
... Abstract During the past decade, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by CO 2 in shale oils has received substantial attention. In shale oil reservoirs, CO 2 diffusion into the resident oil has been considered as the dominant interaction between the CO 2 in fractures and the oil in the matrices. CO 2...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, June 11–14, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-190843-MS
... the efficiency of species transfer between fracture and matrix. It is shown that the behavior can be scaled and described according to the magnitude of two characteristic dimensionless numbers: the ratio of diffusion time scales in shale and fracture α , and the pore volume ratio between the shale and fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, June 11–14, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-190768-MS
... force diffusion free gas solution gas equation diameter approx sm 3 society of petroleum engineers oil and gas Introduction The reservoir under examination is an oil sandstone. The thickness of the oil column is 600 m. The lithology is complex and includes dispersed clay (mainly mixed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, June 12–15, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-185794-MS
... permeability considering viscous flow, Knudsen diffusion, surface diffusion and desorption, and introduced these into the macro seepage model to establish a dynamic pressure analysis model considering reservoir heterogeneity and stress sensitivity effect of MFHWs in shale gas reservoirs. Based on the five...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, June 12–15, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-185775-MS
... restriction. Furthermore, we find that nonlinear diffusion processes in liquid-rich shales, for which pressure-dependent rock and fluid properties are given in exponential form, can be fully described by using the Porous Medium Equation (PME). We present a straightforward application of the PME to predict...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, May 30–June 2, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180174-MS
..., the better CO 2 enhanced gas recovery (EGR) performance. shale gas methane Upstream Oil & Gas enhanced recovery surface diffusion coefficient complex reservoir adsorption shale play shale gas reservoir co 2 diffusion adsorption capacity enhanced gas recovery reservoir gas recovery...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec featured at 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, May 30–June 2, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180112-MS
... 2 ) ∂ P ∂ x Diffusional mass transfer rate, on the other hand, is calculated by the molar flux, molecular weight and cross section area as follows: (9) M d f s = J d f s A d f s M C H 4 Diffusion molar flux is calculated by Fick's...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the EUROPEC 2015, June 1–4, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-174328-MS
... for the life of the well. This work presents a diffusion-controlled model for simulating the conversion of cement hydration products to calcium carbonate and subsequently to water-soluble calcium bicarbonate, predicting the depth of penetration of the two reaction fronts. Temperature, total pressure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec, June 10–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-164892-MS
... of computed and observed dynamic pressures show fair fits. flow in porous media spe 164892 backbone fractal pressure transient analysis Fluid Dynamics sub-critical cluster Bernard derivative Upstream Oil & Gas dimension Laplace transform diffusion pressure transient testing exponent...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec, June 10–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-164840-MS
... = 827.26 and b 4 = −635.26. Also, p is gas pressure expressed in MPa and T is temperature in Kelvin. The diffusion coefficient for methane through bitumen is in the range of 10 −9 to 10 −12 m 2 /s ( Fisher et al., 2000 ; Sheikha et al., 2005 , Javadpour et al., 2007 ). Stainforth...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec, June 10–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-164933-MS
... into solution, will be answered. Both, numerical and experimental studies in the literature report two different diffusion parameters, differing by more than one order of magnitude. These findings are confirmed in our experiments. In the literature, rapid dissolution is attributed to the appearance of natural...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE Europec, June 10–13, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-164934-MS
... condensate reservoir, by production and dropping the pressure below the dew point, condensate is formed in the matrix and fracture. There are few publications about condensate recovery mechanisms in fractured gas condensate reservoirs. Gravity drainage, molecular diffusion, viscous and capillary forces...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, June 4–7, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-153349-MS
... in porous media condensate recovery diffusion fluid dynamics nitrogen concentration upstream oil & gas simulation effective fracture permeability dew point pressure nitrogen injection matrix permeability fracture fractured reservoir injection fracture permeability enhanced recovery...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, June 4–7, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-154908-MS
... of the mixture. If the corresponding Rayleigh number of the porous medium is high enough to initiate convection flows, density-driven-convection happens and the rate of dissolution increases. Early time dissolution of CO 2 in brine is mainly dominated by molecular diffusion while it will be accelerated...

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