Analysis of heterogeneous gas sand reservoirs is one of the most difficult problems. These reservoirs usually produced from multiple layers with different permeability and complex formation, which is often enhanced by natural fracturing. Therefore, using new well logging techniques like NMR or a combination of NMR and conventional open hole logs, as well as developing new interpretation methodologies are essential for improved reservoir characterization. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logs differ from conventional neutron, density, sonic and resistivity logs because the NMR measurements provide mainly lithology independent detailed porosity and offer a good evaluation of the hydrocarbon potential. Integration of NMR logs, other open hole logs and SCAL minimizes uncertainties in the determination of formation porosity, permeability and capillary pressure curve.

This paper focuses on determination of three petrophysical parameters of heterogeneous gas sand reservoirs which are Determination of DMR porosity, fDMR, it is deduced from NMR porosity and density porosity; NMR permeability, KBGMR, it is based on the dynamic concept of gas movement and bulk gas volume in the invaded zone and Capillary pressure, it is derived from relaxation time T2 distribution.

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