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Proceedings Papers
SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition
May 23–26, 2011
Vienna, Austria
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SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition
Improved Drilling Economics and Enhanced Target Acquisition through the Application of Effective Geomagnetic Referencing
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Performance Analysis of Recovery Processes for Extra Heavy Oil through Mechanistic Modelling and Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Dynamic Underbalance for Selective Perforation Cleaning from Hard Scale Deposits, Successful and Fully Controlled Case Histories
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Injection Well – Producer Well Combinations in Application of Toe-To-Heel Steam Flooding (THSF)
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Thermal Gas Recovery from Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs Using Underground Coal Gasification
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Comparison of Porosity Estimated from Conventional Logs in Complex Lithologic Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Challenges and Opportunities Heavy Oil Development Offshore UK
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Integrating Geological Characterization and Historical Production Analysis to Evaluate Interwell Connectivity in Tazhong1 Ordovician Carbonate Gas Field, Tarim basin
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Development of a Continuous Directional Coring System for Deep-sea Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Water-Cut Reduction during Waterflood by Induced Fines Migration: Effects of Varying Formation Damage Coefficient
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Casing Integrity Evaluation in Deep Well with Extreme Heavy Mud in Tarim Basin
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Use of the NMR and Resistivity Logs to Quantify Movable Hydrocarbon; Solution for the Tight and Low-Resistivity Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Monobore Expandable Liner Extension Saves Well With Problematic Drilling Programme from Abandonment
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Reducing the Risks and Costs of Highly Deviated and Extended Reach Drilling Through the Application of Formation Pressure While Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Ultra Deepwater Subsalt Reservoir Characterisation: An Integrated Multi-Scenario Approach for Development Planning
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
An Integrated Performance Model for Multilateral Wells Equipped with Inflow Control Valves
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
The Role of Diffusion for Non-Miscible Gas Injection into a Fractured Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Case Study of Unconventional Gas Well Fracturing in Hungary
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
The Acorn Discovery: An Innovative Appraisal of an Offshore, Low Deliverability, HPHT Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Thin Bed Sand Shale Sequences Decoded by NMR Answers
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Integration of 4D Seismic Data for Water Injection Analysis of Co-mingled Wells
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Magnesium Peroxide Breaker for Filter Cake Removal
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Quebrache Field: Evaluations to Date of this Natural CO2 Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Experimental Investigations of DDP and SCWD in a Naturally Fractured Reservoir, HP/HT
Heron Gachuz-Muro; Nemesio Miguel-Hernandez; Jesus Rodriguez-Roman; Erick Luna-Rojero; Berenice Aguilar-Lopez
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Unified Mathematical Model for Unconventional Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Unified Reservoir / Well / Network Model for Advanced Processes
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Experimental Investigation of Fracture Interaction between Natural Fractures and Hydraulic Fracture in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Reservoir Characterization through Automatic History Matching of Underbalanced Drilling (UBD) Data in a Horizontal Well
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Probabilistic Reservoir Simulation Workflow for Unconventional Resource Play: Bakken Case Study
Shanqiang Luo; Martin Wolff; Jessica Ciosek; Faisal Rasdi; Lane Neal; Pathman Arulampalam; Sean Willis
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Negative Saturation Approach for Compositional Flow Simulations of Mixed CO2-Water Injection into Geothermal Reservoirs, Including Phase Transition and Disappearance
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Fill-Up Test Process for Unconventional Gas Reservoirs (Case Study)
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Integrated Asset Model in Camisea, Peru
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Downdip versus Updip Gas Injection Evaluation in a Deepwater Development
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Interwell Water Tracer Pilots in North Kuwait Fields, A Valuable Opportunity to Understand Fluid Movement within a Waterflooded Reservoir
Moudi Al-Ajmi; Ashok Pathak; Basel Al-Otaibi; Mishal Al-Mufarej; Fatma Ashkanani; Waleed Abdullah; Ahmad El-Doushy; Mohamad Al-Hamer; Ealian Al-Anzi
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Incorporating 4D Seismic Attributes Into History Matching Process Through An Inversion Scheme
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
An Experimental Investigation of Carbonate Rock Wettability after Stimulation Fluids Invasion
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
On Application of Non-Cubic EoS to Compositional Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Gas-Condensate Relative Permeability Curves Determined from Separator Test Data: Britannia Field Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Novel, Multistage Stimulation Processes Can Help Achieve and Control Branch Fracturing and Increase Stimulated Reservoir Volume for Unconventional Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Analysis of Field Responses to Low-Salinity Waterflooding in Secondary and Tertiary Mode in Syria
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Practical Aspects of Gas Material Balance: Theory and Application
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Investigation on Variations in Wettability of Reservoir Rock Induced by CO2- Brine-rock Interactions
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Improved Understanding of CO2/Foam EOR Techniques by Aid of Tracer Technology
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Gas Tracer Transport - Correct Formulation and Fast Post-Processing Simulation Technique.
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
CO2 EOR Production Properties of Chalk
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Grid-Based Inversion Methods for Spatial Feature Identification and Parameter Estimation from Pressure Transient Tests
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Sweep Efficiency in CO2 Foam Simulations With Oil
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Safe and Energy-Efficient Method for the Initiation of an In-Situ Combustion
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Kadanwari Field: A Tight Gas Reservoir Study and a Successful Pilot Well Give New Life to an Exploited Field
S. Valzania; M. Kfoury; M. Grandis; A. Valdisturlo; G. Fanello; L. Guerra; S. Heikal; A. Kashif; A. Sultan
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Case Study of the History Matching of a Sector of the Norne Field Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Carbonated Water Injection (CWI) for Improved Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Quantitative Integration of Time-Lapse Seismic Derived Information in a History Matching Procedure
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Use of Pressure-Rate Deconvolution to Estimate Connected Reservoir Drainage Volume in Naturally Fractured Unconventional Gas Reservoirs from Canadian Rockies Foothills
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Underground Natural Gas Storage in the UK: Business Feasibility Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Effect of Interfacial Tension on Water/Oil Relative Permeability and Remaining Saturation with Consideration of Capillary Pressure
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Evaluation of Three-Phase Relative Permeability Models for WAG Injection Using Water-Wet and Mixed-Wet Core Flood Experiments
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Estimating Facies Felds using the Ensemble Kalman Filter and Distance Functions–Applied to Shallow-Marine Environments
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Validation of THAI Bitumen Recovery Using 3D Combustion Cell Results
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Wettability Alteration at Optimum Fluorinated Polymer Concentration for Improvement in Gas Mobility
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Influence of Lumping and Equation of State Tuning Methods on the Sub-Salt Reservoirs Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Inversion of Time-Lapse InSAR Data for Reservoir Pressure Monitoring: Example of the Krechba Field, Algeria
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Compensated Neutron-Gamma Density for Formation Evaluation, Continuing Field Tests Demonstrate Improvements and New Features
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Incorporation of 4D Seismic in the Re-Construction and History Matching of Marlim Sul Deep Water Field Flow Simulation Model
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Sensitivity Study on CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Critical Evaluation of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Reservoir Parameter Estimation under Incorrect and Uncertain Prior Models
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Optimization of Completions in Unconventional Reservoirs for Ultimate Recovery – Case Studies
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
History Matching and Uncertainty Quantification: Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimisation Approach
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Effective Well Placement and Trajectory Planning Approach through Collaboration Environment Tools
Ahmed M. Al-Baqawi; Hamad A. Al-Naim; Arcides J. Araque; Ali H. Habbtar; Menhal A. Ismail; Adnan A. Al-Kanan; Abdullah A. Al-Utaibi
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Novel Approach for Breakout Zone Identification in Tight Gas Shale
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Ni-Fe Nanoparticles: An Innovative Approach for Recovery of Hydrates
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Incorporating 3-D Seismic, Well and Production Data into Reservoir Models Using Co-Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Integration Of Seismic Lithology Data In The Reservoir Model
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Success Story: Squeeze Cemented 9 Interval Perforations in One Shoot!
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Case Study: The Research Progress of Using Stimulation Technologies in Horizontal Wells to Develop Low-permeability Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Visualization of Natural Convection Flow of (Sub-) and (Super-) Critical CO2 in Aqueous and Oleic Systems by Applying Schlieren Method
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
EOR Potential in the Middle East: Current and Future Trends
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Bayesian Optimization Algorithm Applied to Uncertainty Quantification
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Partially Separated Meta-Models with Evolution Strategies for Well Placement Optimization
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Interpreting Azimuthal Propagation Resistivity: A Paradigm Shift
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
3D Borehole Model for Evaluation of Wellbore Instabilities in Underbalanced Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Comparison of Tracer Test Result and Analysis of Connectivity Injector and Producer during Pilot Waterflood Kenali Asam Zone P/1050
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Modelling of Depletion-Induced Microseismic Events by Coupled Reservoir Simulation: Application to Valhall Field
Xing Zhang; Nick Koutsabeloulis; Tron Kristiansen; Kes Heffer; Ian Main; John Greenhough; Assef Mohamad Hussein
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Modelling Residual Oil Saturation in Miscible and Immiscible Gas Floods By Use of Alpha-Factors
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Petro-Elastic Parameters Effects on History Matching Procedures
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Success Story: Improving Reservoir Monitoring to Reduce Workover Cost & Increase Production in Offshore Marginal Oil Field
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
An Analytical Method for Predicting the Performance of Gravitationally-Unstable Flow in Porous Media
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Well Production Enhancement Results with Inflow Control Device (ICD) Completions in Horizontal Wells in Ecuador
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Application of Toe-to-Heel Air Injection (THAI) Process in Fractured Carbonate Systems: 3D Simulation of the Effect of Fractures Geometrical Properties, Reservoir and Operational Parameters
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Fully Coupled Geomechanics and Fluid Flow Model for Well Performance Modeling in Stress-dependent Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Effect of Initial Gas Saturation on Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Process
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Study and Application of Anionic and Cationic Polymers Alternative Injection for In-depth Profile Control in Low Permeability Sandstone Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Increased Success Rates for Squeeze-Cementing Using a Surfactant Soak -The Vital Role of Surfactant Concentration
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Real-time Mineralogy, Lithology, and Chemostratigraphy While Drilling using Portable Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Geochemical Modeling and Experimental Evaluation of High-Ph Floods: Impact of Water-Rock Interactions in Sandstone
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A New Model for Predicting Water Cut in Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Effect of Heterogeneity on Production Performance in Low Permeability Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Experimental Study of Water Shut-Off by Wettability Alteration to Gas Wetness
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Evaluation of New Well Configurations for SAGD in Athabasca McMurray Formation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
The Use of Seismic Attributes for Depth Conversion and Property Distributions, E-M Field, Offshore South Africa
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Prediction of the Efficiency of Impulse-Wave Impact Application in the Well Treatments
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Multimode Inversion Methodology for the Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs from Well Test Data
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Modeling, Simulation, and Optimal Control of Oil Production under Gas Coning Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A New Dimension Added to the Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation for a Volcanic Reservoir Based on Microseismic Monitoring
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Is It Sufficient to Calculate Gas Viscosities?
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Integrated Geo-Statistical Modeling – An Effective Tool to Meet the Exploration Challenge of Low Porosity Carbonate Reservoir within Najmah-Sargelu Formation, Kuwait
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Combining Experimental Design with Proxy Derived Sensitivities to Improve Convergence Rates in Seismic History Matching
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
The Potential of Smart Well Solutions for the Development of Thin Oil Rims during Gas Condensate Production in the Yamal Region of Russia
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
New Recovery Method for Carbonate Reservoirs through Tuning the Injection Water Salinity: Smart WaterFlooding
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Measuring Partitioning Coefficients for Gas Tracer Mass Balance and Gas Injection Allocation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
The Use of Downhole Temperature Data in Gas-Oil Ratio Estimation and Reservoir Management
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Towards an Integrated Workflow for Structural Reservoir Model Updating and History Matching
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Gas Condensate Flow Around Deviated And Horizontal Wells
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Pre-Combustion Capture of CO2 from Synthesis Gas Mixture CO2/H2 Using Hydrate Formation
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Contribution of the Gravel Mesh Size in Screen Damage on a Gravel Pack System
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Estimation of Multiple Petrophysical Parameters for the PUNQ-S3 Model Using Ensemble-Based History Matching
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Experimental and Simulation Analysis of CO2 Storage in Tight and Fractured Sandstone under Different Stress Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Methods for Numerical Modeling of Fluid Flow in Fractured Formations
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Assessment of Rate-Dependent Skin Factors in Gas Condensate and Volatile Oil Wells
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Quantitative Analysis Involving Scaling Procedures for Integration between History Matching and 4D Seismic
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Relative Permeability Prediction from Image Analysis of Thin Sections
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Systematic Analysis to Select an Optimized Perforating Interval as a Key Factor for Improved Oil Recovery: Impact of Dynamic and Static Petrophysical Properties on Well Production
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Reservoir Fluid Characterization and Application for Simulation Study
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Modelling the Interfering Effects of Gas Condensate and Geological Heterogeneities on Transient Pressure Response
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A New Modified Genetic Algorithm for Well Placement Optimization under Geological Uncertainties
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
A Novel Technique for Monitoring Hydrate Safety Margin
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Well Test Analysis of Medium-Rich to Rich Gas-Condensate Layered Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Improved Normalization of Time-lapse Seismic Data using NRMS Repeatabity Data to Improve Automatic Production and Seismic History Matching in the Nelson Field
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Automatic Production and Seismic History Matching by Updating Locally and by Geological Environment in the Nelson Field
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
Molecular Diffusion and Dispersion Coefficient in a Propane-Bitumen System: Case of Vapour Extraction (VAPEX) Process
Paper presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, May 2011. doi:
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