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Proceedings Papers
EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition
June 8–11, 2009
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition
Managing Uncertainty of Well Log Data in Reservoir Characterization
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Underbalanced Drilling in Depleted Formation Achieves Great Success: Case Study
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Novel Waterflooding Strategy by Manipulation of Injection Brine Composition
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Effects of Fracture and Frequency on Resistivity in Different Rocks
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Gravity Segregation in Gas Improved Oil Recovery of Tilted Reservoirs
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Analogous Reservoirs to Chicontepec, Alternatives of Exploitation for this Mexican Oil Field
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Designing a Simultaneous Water Alternating Gas Process for Optimizing Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Gas Injection IOR for Widely Varying Initial Compositions
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Pressure Transient Well Testing Encountered Complexities: A Case Study
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
The Effect of Oil and Gas Molecular Diffusion in Production of Fractured Reservoir During Gravity Drainage Mechanism by CO2 Injection
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Pumping of Fluids Using Pressure Impulses
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Predicting Water Influx From Common Shared Aquifers
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Low Dosage, High Efficiency and Environment Friendly Inhibitors: A New Horizon in Gas Hydrates Mitigation in Production Systems
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Utilization of the GRM (Geological Representative Models) to Integrate Different Types of Uncertainties in the Decision Making Process
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Mapping Karst Diagenetic Networks in Carbonate Reservoir Using Seismic Indicators and Well Data
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Innovated Simulation History Matching Approach Enabling Better Historical Performance Match and Embracing Uncertainty in Predictive Forecasting
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Capillary Trapping Capacity of Rocks and Sandpacks
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Optimised Combined Underground Gas Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Revitalising a Medium Viscous Oil Field by Polymer Injection, Pirawarth Field, Austria
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Temperature Modeling and Analysis of Wells with Advanced Completion
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Zonal Rate Allocation in Intelligent Wells
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Effects on Time-lapse Seismic of a Hard Rock Layer beneath a Compacting Reservoir
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Oil Recovery From a Tight Fractured Basement Field
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
A New Skin Factor Formulation for Flow Around Horizontal Wells Including Anisotropy and Partial Penetration
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Well Test Analysis in Tight Gas Reservoirs
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Modeling Mud-Filtrate Invasion Effects on Resistivity Logs to Estimate Permeability of Vuggy and Fractured Carbonate Formations
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Interventions with Reliable Execution in Hostile Environments
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Production Optimization Under Uncertainty
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Innovative Data-Driven Permeability Prediction in a Heterogeneous Reservoir
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Integration of NMR and SCAL to Estimate Porosity, Permeability and Capillary pressure of Heterogeneous Gas Sand Reservoirs
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Oil Recovery Improvement Using CO2-Enriched Water Injection
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Automated characterization of fracture conductivities from well tests inversion
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Uncertainty Analysis Applied to Biogenic Reservoir Souring Simulation
Alexandre Guedes De Siqueira; Carlos Henrique Vieira Araujo; Rodrigo Reksidler; Marcio de Castro Pereira
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Case History: A Robust Point-the-Bit Rotary Steerable System with At-Bit Imaging and 3D Geosteering Service Integral to Optimal Wellbore Placement in a Complex Thin Sand Reservoir
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Effectiveness of a New Surfactant-Based Friction Reducer to Extend CT Reach in Openhole Completions—Case Histories from the Middle East
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Evaluation of Extended Seawater Injections Impact on Waste Injection Pressure Response and Waste Disposal Capacity
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Natural and Conventional Tracers for Improving Reservoir Models Using the EnKF Approach
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Ant Colony Optimization for History Matching
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Enhanced Mass Transfer of CO2 into Water: Experiment and Modeling
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Successful Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments Using a Seawater-Based Polymer-Free Fluid System Executed From a Supply Vessel; Lebada Vest Field, Black Sea Offshore Romania
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Faster Convergence in Seismic History Matching by Efficient Parameter Searching
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Integration of 3D Seismic Attributes and Well Logs for Electrofacies Mapping and Prediction of Reliable Petrophysical Properties
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Optimum Logging Programs in Tight Sands
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
An Improved Method for Total Mechanical Skin Calculation for Perforated Completions
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
SubFace Matrix-Fracture Transfer Function: Improved Model of Gravity Drainage/ Imbibition
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Reservoir Facies Modeling Using Intelligent Data Gathering in an Iranian Carbonate Field
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Modelling the Stability of Thin Water Films Using SEM Images
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Model-Based Integration and Optimization – Gas Cycling Benchmark
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Transport of CO2-Foaming Agents During CO2-Foam Processes in Fractured Chalk Rock
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Application of the Monte Carlo Simulation in Calculating HC-Reserves
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Mature Oil and Gas Assets: From Securing Resources to Maximising Reserves and Production
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Increasing the Capacity of an Underground Gas Storage by Optimized Well Completions, Matzen Field, Austria
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Injection of Supercritical CO2 into Deep Saline Carbonate Formations, Predictions from Geochemical Modeling
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Uncertainty Reduction By Production Data Assimilation Combining Gradual Deformation With Adaptive Response Surface Methodology
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Real Time Integration of Reservoir Modeling and Formation Testing
Adriaan Gisolf; Francois DUBOST; Julian ZUO; Stephen WILLIAMS; Julianne KRISTOFFERSEN; Vladislav ACHOUROV; Andrawiss BISARAH; Oliver C. MULLINS
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Comparison Between Smart And Conventional Wells Considering Uncertainties
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
CO2 Hydrate: A Possibility for Future CO2 Disposal
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
An Improved Approach For Ensemble Based Production Optimization: Application To A Field Case
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Predicting the Onset of Condensate Accumulation Near the Wellbore in a Gas Condensate Reservoir
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Novel Mechanical Scale Clean-out Approach to Remove Iron Sulphide Scale from Tubulars in Vertical High Pressure and Temperature Deep Gas Producers: A Case History
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Real Options Analysis in Petroleum Exploration and Production: A New Paradigm in Investment Analysis
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Enhanced Economic Modeling by Correlated Stochastic Models of E&P Costs and Hydrocarbon Prices: The Limitations of Fixed Price Decks and the Versatility of Least-Squares Monte Carlo Simulation
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
High Pressure Acid Gas Viscosity Correlation
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
A Statistical Approach to the Effective Economic Modeling and Portfolio Selection of Unconventional Resource Opportunities
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Effect of Brine Salinity on Reservoir Fluids Interfacial Tension
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
The Method of Characteristics Applied to Oil Displacement by Foam
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Optimal Design Criteria for SAG Foam Processes in Heterogeneous Reservoirs
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Incorporation of Static and Dynamic Constraints in Optimum Upscaling: A Field Case Study
Majid Mohammadpour Faskhoodi; Harun Ates; Tono Soeriawinata; Xavier Britsch; Michel Vert; Mohan Kelkar
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Southern North Sea Tight-Gas Field Development Planning Using Hydraulic Fracturing
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Surface Control System Design for Remote Wireless Operations of Intelligent Well Completion System: Case Study
Arashi Ajayi; Adedeji Oluwatosin; Toyin Fasasi; Corrado Giuliani; Robert Smith; Courage Erumwunse; Fabio Cervini
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Ensuring Sustained Production by Managing Annular-Pressure Buildup
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Role of Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the 21st Century: Comparison of Resources, Reserves, Recovery Factors and Technologies
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Effect of Aquifer Heterogeneity on CO2 Sequestration
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Establishing Water Injection Dynamics by Leading-Edge Coreflood Testing
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Effective Stress Coefficient and Biot's Coefficient of Chalk from the Valhall Field, North Sea
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Organic Richness and Productivity Index Relationship in Dual Porosity Flow-System of Gas and Condensate Kerogen Reservoirs of Najmah Formation, North Kuwait
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Downhole Gas Compression: World's First Installation of a New Artificial Lifting System for Gas Wells
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Intermittent Alkali Flooding in Vertical Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
An Innovative Tool on a Probabilistic Approach Related to the Well Construction Costs and Times Estimation
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Polymer Flooding in Unconsolidated Sand Formations: Fracturing and Geomechanical Considerations
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Well Test Dynamics in Rich Gas Condensate Reservoirs Under Gas Injection
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Adjoint-Based Well Trajectory Optimization in a Thin Oil Rim
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Azimuthal Wave Resistivity Opens a Window on the Geology Away from the Wellbore Path
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Joint Structural and Petrophysical History Matching Leads to Global Geological Stochastic Reservoir Models
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Understanding Compositional Grading in Petroleum Reservoirs Thanks to Molecular Simulations
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Numerical Modeling of Fully Coupled Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Naturally Fractured Poro-elastic Reservoir
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Validating Workflows with Pore-Scale Modelling and Fine-Scale Geology for Water Saturation Interpretation
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Integration of Production, Pressure Transient and Borehole Images in Horizontal Wells Drilled in Cambrian Sandstone Reservoirs of Hassi Messaoud Field, Algeria
Taofeek Ogunyemi; Philippe Montaggioni; Atmane Azzouguen; Mourad Kourta; Said Kodja; Messaoud Madani
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Feasibility of Using Wind Energy and CAES Systems in a Variety of Geologic Systems
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Sedimentary Facies Computation and Stratigraphic Analyses Using Well Logs, Borehole Images and Cores in Triassic Fluvial Sandstones of the Algerian Sahara
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Multi-Well Deconvolution Algorithm for the Diagnostic, Analysis of Transient Pressure With Interference From Permanent Down-hole Gauges (PDG)
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Different Approaches to Understand Mechanism Of Wettability Alteration of Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Integrated Approach To Identify Fault Pattern And Fracture Corridors In A Matured Field
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Hybrid Optimization Coupling EnKF and Evolutionary Algorithms for History Matching: A Case Example
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Roadmap to Monetization of Unconventional Resources
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
CO2 Injection and Storage: A New Approach Using Integrated Asset Modeling
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Rock Strength from Core and Logs, Where We Stand and Ways to Go
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Reservoir Management Challenges and Improved Hydrocarbon Recovery Activities on Kvitebjørn HPHT Gas Condensate Reservoir
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Improving Reservoir Simulation Models Using 4D Data at the Snorre Field
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Fluid Pressure Gradients in Tight Formations
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Opportunities for Geothermal Energy in Franekeradeel, Netherlands
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Partial Movement of Asphaltene in Presence of Connate Water in Vapex Process
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Uncertainty Evaluation in Field Development and Export Planning
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Rapid Evaluation of Geological and Reservoir Uncertainty in a Multi-Field Development
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Increased Rates, Reserves, and Revenues From Heavy Oil Reservoir Using ESP Technology: A Suriname Case Study
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
SAGD Subcool Control with Smart Injection Wells
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Potential for Hydrogen Generation during In Situ Combustion of Bitumen
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Assisted Procedures for Definition of Production Strategy and Economic Evaluation Using Proxy Models
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
Well Production Forecasting by Extrapolation of the Deconvolution of Well Test Pressure Transients
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
A Cost Effective and User Friendly Approach for Mini-DSTs Design
Paper presented at the EUROPEC/EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2009. doi:
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