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Keywords: acid
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 18–20, 2022
Paper Number: SPE-211870-MS
... of broaches were trialed with minimal success. The most effective method for scale remediation was found to be hydrochloric acid (HCl), however, HCl introduces safety and operational concerns. From an operational perspective, the hydrostatic pressure exerted by a column of acid in the tubing can be difficult...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 4–6, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-187516-MS
... classification technique to enhance (a) well-log-based estimates of petrophysical, compositional, and elastic properties and (b) selection of appropriate candidate zones for acid fracturing treatment design in a tight carbonate reservoir in northern slope of Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, China. We first perform...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, September 13–15, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-184044-MS
... to the operator. produced water discharge Dbnpa work tank bacteria Upstream Oil & Gas frac water disinfection acid frac additive dosage contact time hydraulic fracturing frac water treatment cost biocide hypochlorous acid in-situ hypobromous acid generation hypobromous acid blender...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 21–23, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-171013-MS
... down-hole conditions. It was found that certain ceramic proppants widely used in the Bakken field are vulnerable in weakly acidic fluids (i.e. pH=4). Temperature increases expedite the proppant weakening process. Estimated conductivity loss could be ~50% compared with that treated at neutral pH...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 21–23, 2014
Paper Number: SPE-171021-MS
... Abstract In many cases, carbonate oil wells are stimulated with open hole acid flush or acid fracturing treatments to increase productivity. Some of the challenges with fracturing stimulation are reservoir related, such as consistently stimulating all targeted intervals and intersecting...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, August 20–22, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-165688-MS
... Abstract Acidizing as a stimulation technique does not always yield the desired sustainable conductivity especially compared to hydraulic fracturing. In addition to that, hydraulic fracturing provides a great contact with shale formations due to its deeper developed conductivity...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 13–15, 2010
Paper Number: SPE-139087-MS
... and formation damage during the drilling process, but readily cleans up the filter cake over time. This technology is based on the use of an ester, in a solid form, which hydrolyzes and produces an organic acid. The latter will dissolve calcium carbonate particles that are used as a weighting material in water...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, September 23–25, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-125754-MS
... on the Niagaran have consisted of mainly hydrochloric acid at concentrations of 15-28%. Most treatments were kept to matrix conditions due to water zones in close proximity. These treatments usually yield marginal results due to the acid being spent mostly near well bore. Gelled, crosslinked or emulsified acid...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, September 23–25, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-125987-MS
... knowledge management hydraulic fracturing precipitation flowback water Marcellus Shale fracture precipitate Iron Control Artificial Intelligence Upstream Oil & Gas natural fracture fracture network friction reducer society of petroleum engineers acid biocide Introduction Shale...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional/AAPG Eastern Section Joint Meeting, October 11–15, 2008
Paper Number: SPE-117251-MS
... Abstract Emulsified acid (30 vol% diesel and 70 vol% HCl acid) has been used in both matrix and acid fracturing treatments. Injection the acid in this form has several advantages including: retard the reaction of the acid with rock, reduce corrosion to well tubulars and minimize acid additives...
Proceedings Papers
James W. Castle, David A. Bruce, Scott E. Brame, Donald A. Brooks, Ronald W. Falta, Lawrence C. Murdoch
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, September 15–17, 2004
Paper Number: SPE-91436-MS
... is shown in Figure 1 . Abstract The feasibility of creating gas-storage caverns by dissolving carbonate rock formations was examined based on process design, geologic factors, and preliminary economic analysis. The method involves drilling one or more wells, pumping acid into the formation...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, November 9–11, 1998
Paper Number: SPE-51037-MS
... Abstract As gas storage wells age over time they are susceptible to processes having negative impact on deliverability. The GRI study of 1993 determined that on a national average, 5% of storage deliverability capacity is lost per year. This paper will discuss the successful use of foamed acid...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, November 9–11, 1998
Paper Number: SPE-51094-MS
... of these types of polymer damage. These polymer linkage-specific enzymes offer a safe, effective alternative to conventional clean-up methods that usually consist primarily of oxidizers like bleach and acid. This product has none of the "side effects" associated with non-specific reactants such as premature...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 22–24, 1997
Paper Number: SPE-39208-MS
.... High pressure perforation washing. Re-perforating with high density charges, extreme overbalance surging (EOBS) 1 - 3 , selective injection packer acidizing (SIP), and coiled tubing acid injection were all used to reduce the near-wellbore pressure losses Each well was tested before and after every...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 23–25, 1996
Paper Number: SPE-37325-MS
... upstream oil & gas completion installation and operations case history completion method eop process tracer log acid spe annual technical conference condensate spe 37325 operator skin effect nitrogen hydraulic fracturing skin damage vertical growth perforation tunnel...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, September 18–20, 1995
Paper Number: SPE-30984-MS
... corrosion reaction western unichem well integrity acid steel upstream oil & gas riser corrosion artificial lift system pump installation stator centralizer fiberglass installation materials and corrosion epoxy coating corrosion problem h2s management production chemistry gas co...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, November 8–10, 1994
Paper Number: SPE-29162-MS
... Cleanout Case Histories Case 1 A13-well pilot well-cleanout program in Illinois was attempted to restore original production rates to gas storage wells by reperforating, acidizing, and "blowing" the wells back to atmosphere. Reperforating and blowing were somewhat successful, but acidizing...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, November 8–10, 1994
Paper Number: SPE-29189-MS
... ABSTRACT The Rose Run Sandstone consists of individual quartz and feldspar grains cemented by dolomite, clay minerals, and overgrowths of quartz and feldspars. Historically, the Rose Run has been stimulated with hydrochloric(HCl) acid with appropriate additives to remove the dolomitic cement...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, October 31–November 2, 1990
Paper Number: SPE-21286-MS
.... Treatment Design. The potential for drillinginduced damage should also be evaluated… If damage is expected, plan a near-wellbore acid cleanup. This will require 3 to 6 bbl of IlUld cleanout acid per foot of oil-bearing formation, depending upon the severity of the damage anticipated. Mud cleanout acid...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, November 1–4, 1988
Paper Number: SPE-18536-MS
... ABSTRACT Acid fracturing has been a widely used stimulation technique for carbonate reservoirs. While the etching action of the acid would imply an open fracture (with infinite conductivity), the strength of the reservoir rock leads to a significant reduction of the apparent conductivity after...