Careful review of reservoir data, proppant data, fracture fluid data, and fracturing equipment resulted in the successful application of advanced stimulation technologies (AST)1  such as minifracs, step-down rate tests, and quality control measures in two deep [±3660m (±12,000 ft)] hot wells [150°C (±300°F)] in China. Neither well produced prior to stimulation. Using locally available fracturing equipment and Dagang Oil Co.'s sole fracture fluid system, we successfully designed and pumped two fracture treatments. One well is producing 40 m3/day (250 STB/D) oil and 12,036 m3/day (425 Mscf/D) after stimulation.

This paper describes the AST program implemented by Dagang and summarizes a general methodology for applying new technologies (AST) in new or frontier areas.

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