Since successful crude oil recovery is dependent on knowledge of reservoir parameters, accurate and quick evaluation of well logs is important. Consequently, a computer technique has been designed and prepared to assist engineers in well logging evaluation tasks.

The technique presented in this paper is a well Logging package written in Fortran 77 to perform well log evaluation. The overall flow of the system is: Data entry; review and editing; selection of calculations; output of results in either tabular or plotted form. The output is valuable because interpretation from either the table or the plot is faster and more accurate than interpretation from a suite of raw logs. The technique is comprehensive to perform all the fundamental typical well logging calculations. It scans several traditional combinations of well logging programs that are usually run for the evaluation of hydrocarbon wells.

This version of the package or computer system is practical to implement in a main frame computer and has been used for instructional purpose in the USL Petroleum Engineering Department.

This version is expandable by adding routines. Little, if any, rewriting will be needed. More effort is needed to produce a package which is usable without a training session. Currently a significant time, minimum 2 hours, is needed to familiarize the user with the package operation. The system is designed to perform calculation of shale volume, true formation resistivity, porosity for single and dual matrices, and fluid saturations of the flushed and virgin zones. By using a residual oil saturation and movable oil an overlay plot can be produced to visualize the average distribution of fluids and solids in the reservoir. Results yield by the package are reasonable in agreement with those results generated by commercial packages with the same objective.

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