Syncrudes and synfuels will be introduced in the future to supplement or replace petroleum based transportation fuels. Initial synfuels may have qualitites considerably different from present fuels and may cause operational problems in engines. Instead of further treating the synfuels to meet current fuel specifications, thus increasing the production costs, it is entirely viable to introduce an engine which has the capability of operating on a broad range of fuels. This type of engine, with its ability to run on petroleum based fuels and synfuels, could provide a smooth transition into the future.
The Texaco Controlled-Combustion System (TCCS) is a direct-injection, stratified-charge, engine concept. It has demonstrated the ability to run on a broad range of fuels including gasoline, diesel, broadcut fuels, low octane shale derived gasoline and alcohols. Performance of an engine modified to employ the TCCS concept, operating on different fuels, is discussed in this paper.