Friction flow loop trials have become the industry standard for the development of new friction reducers and prequalification/selection of products for individual jobs. However, there are no industry standards on how to perform flow loop tests. Previous attempts to rank friction reducers based on flow loop results encounter problems with results changing between loops, attributable to variations of flow conditions and often small differences between loops (Nizamidin, et al. 2021; Matovic et al. 2022). Very small, absolute changes in flow conditions can have an outsized impact on flow loop results, yielding confusing outcomes that can show one product significantly outperforming another while field results are sometimes the reverse.

The current method for flow loop testing produces results often not repeatable on another flow loop and possibly not consistent with its previous results if not fully climate controlled. The author proposes that by accounting for some changes in flow conditions, results become more in line with field results, especially between viscosifying polyacrylamides and traditional friction reducers. When pressure drop calculations are reexamined for sensitivities at common flow loop conditions that have reduced or little impact at field conditions, the difference in friction reduction observed in the lab can be reconciled with the friction reduction observed in the field.

Upon identifying critical components of flow conditions in the Darcy–Weisbach pressure drop calculations, the author took efforts to adjust the data observed based on measurable/quantifiable parameters. For instance, the primary observation was that the impact of a change in viscosity as small as 1 cp could change the Reynolds number an order of magnitude, moving the Moody friction factor higher in comparison to water, in which most standard flow loop results are normalized. However, this difference in Moody’s friction factor is eliminated at field conditions, leaving the relative roughness of the pipe as the sole driver of the Moody friction factor for the higher viscosity fluid the same as it is with water in both flow loop and wellbore conditions. When viscous fluids have their friction factor adjusted to match the corresponding flow conditions created in the flow loop, the results curve slides up to the expected ranges based on field results thereby validating the approach.

The novelty of this revised method is in its ability to adjust experimental data based on accurate measurements from common tools, allowing for lab results to better reflect real-world results. With this data in hand, engineers can more accurately predict pipe friction and more easily assess treating pressure issues arising in the field, such as water quality hurting the friction reduction, perforation friction, or tortuosity.

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