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Proceedings Papers
SPE Eastern Regional Meeting
October 22–25, 1991
Lexington, Kentucky
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SPE Eastern Regional Meeting
GRI's Devonian Shales Research Program: A Progress Report
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Successful Application of New Technology in Antrim Shale Completions
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Contributions to Total Storage Capacity in Devonian Shales
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Recharge Models for Devonian Shales
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Application of Microseismic Technology in a Devonian Shale Well in the Appalachian Basin
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
A Ratio-Based Epithermal Neutron Porosity for Air-Filled Boreholes
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Field Application for Quick-Setting Cement
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
A Simple Method for Predicting the Performance of a Sucker-Rod Pumping System
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Producing the Oriskany in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
The Use of Injection/Falloff Tests and Pressure Buildup Tests To Evaluate Fracture Geometry and Post-Stimulation Well Performance in the Devonian Shales
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Fracturing Net Pressure Analysis for Variable-Rate Injection
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
A Comparison of the Fluid-Loss Properties of Borate-Zirconate-Crosslinked and Noncrosslinked Fracturing Fluids
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Systematic and Simple Data Collection Program Improves Hydraulic Fracturing
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Environmentally Safe Salt Replacement for Fracturing Fluids
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Polynomial Approximations for Gas Pseudopressure and Pseudotime
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Estimating the Stabilized Deliverability of a Gas Well Using the Rawlins and Schellhardt Method: An Analytical Approach
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Production and Pressure Decline Curves for Wet Gas Sands With Closed Outer Boundaries
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Simulation of Particle Movement in Porous Rock
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Transient-Pressure Analysis for an Interference Slug Test
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Overview of Appalachian Basin High-Angle and Horizontal Air and Mud Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Horizontal Well in the Devonian Shale, Martin County, Kentucky
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Improved Model for Predicting Multiple Hydraulic Fracture Propagation from a Horizontal Well
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Pre- and Post-Stimulation Well Test Data Analysis from Horizontal Wells in the Devonian Shale
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Streamtube Modeling of Horizontal Wells in Mixed Pattern Waterfloods
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Mathematical and Experimental Simulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in Shallow Coal Seams
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
The Progressing Cavity Pump in Coalbed Methane Extraction
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Design and Evaluation of Stimulation and Workover Treatments in Coal Seam Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
Field Use of the Compiled Spreadsheet Analysis (CSA): Log Analysis for the Laptop
Paper presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, October 1991. doi:
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