This paper illustrates the natural gas in-situ huff and puff pilot test applied in Jake field in Sudan. B pool of Jake field is a medium GOR (100 scf/bbl) pool with medium well productivity, averaging at 500 BOPD by PCP testing. Operator intended to increase well output to reduce operational and safety hazards. Substantial high pressure natural gas below B pool could be utilized and injected into B pool to boost recovery factor. This process undergoes injection, soaking, production, similar to steam huff and puff. Pilot test of in-situ huff and puff has been planned by following methodology: 1) driving mechanisms investigation of huff and puff and confirm applicability in B pool; 2) gas production from tubing and injection into B pool through casing without using gas compressors; 3) injection and production parameters optimization by nodal analysis;

Pilot test on two wells JS-4 and JS-1 began in Aug. 2010 and flowed naturally after 20 days injection and gained 20 fold well rate increase compared with PCP wells, amounting to 10000-13000 BOPD, setting the highest well rate record in Sudan. Conclusions drawn from pilot tests were as follows:1) in-situ natural gas huff and puff was feasible; 2) gas injection could boost reservoir pressure and reduce in-situ viscosity and enhance recovery factor; 3) gas from tubing into casing was proved simple, efficient and cost-effective 4) production rates could be optimized using nodal analysis.

Sudan is abundant in layered pools with lower gas and upper light oil, natural gas in-situ huff and puff has wide applications for similar pools in Sudan.

Successful natural gas huff and puff pilot test in this paper highlighted huge oil rate gain, innovative well bore structure, cost-effective operation, paving the way for future full field implementation.

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