Chemical enhanced oil recovery (cEOR) is a complex process which exhibits a number of risks and uncertainties. A successful chemical EOR implementation depends on the success and the ability in addressing all these risks upfront and one of the important de-risking steps is the piloting process before full scale implementation.

St Joseph is an offshore field in North Sabah region of Malaysia chosen for chemical EOR implementation. In line with the implementation of chemical EOR, there are a number of uncertainties and risks associated with such a development. Some key uncertainties are generic to cEOR development, such as the heterogeneity, chemical effectiveness, emulsion, production of sales specification oil, etc. However, there are certain risks and uncertainties that are typical for this particular field, such as fractured injection, offshore environment, large secondary gas cap, etc. In order to de-risk the full field development and get a better handle on the risks and uncertainty, a pilot is planned.

The paper discuses the approach taken for the pilot selection, which includes the qualitative and quantitative assessment of pilot types vis-à-vis key risks, the workflow towards designing the pilot, the modeling approach followed, the facility concept of the design, and injectivity modeling, leading to final pilot design. The paper also touches upon the data acquisition and surveillance plan to analyze the pilot performance and quantitatively address the key risks.

In addition, the risks and uncertainties of the pilot implementation are also discussed, together with the mitigation and remediation methods. The pilot study resulted in the detailed pilot design and data gathering plan. The results of the pilot will be used to determine if chemical EOR is viable for full field development at St Joseph.

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