Biology enzyme may change wettablity of rocks, release surface hydrocarbon of formation rock particles, and reduce interfacial tension. These properties may be used to reduce water injection pressure of low-permeability oil reservoirs, to enlarge swept volume and enhance recovery rate. We applied 4 types of biology enzyme solutions with different concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 5.0%, to conduct depressurization experiments on 6 artificial cores and 3 natural cores. When concentration of biology enzyme was 2.0%, injection pressure dropped significantly by 22.6% to 72.7%, averagely a drop of 51.4%. Pilot tests have been carried out based on indoor experiment results, as well as economic factors and operating convenience considerations, and other oilfield experiment parameters references. When volume multiple of injected biology enzyme was chosen to be 0.6%PV, production declination of connected oil wells was controlled and production rose gradually, showing that formation pressure has been restored and biology enzyme has played a part in enhancing the oil recovery rate.

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