This paper is based on a field implementation in the United States of a biological process for improving waterflood performance. The Activated Environment for Recovery Optimization ("AERO™") System is being developed by Glori in collaboration with Statoil and derives its roots from a microbial enhanced oil recovery technology developed and successfully implemented by Statoil offshore Norway. Unique among IOR technologies, AERO implementation requires virtually no capital investment and achieves high performance efficiencies at low operational cost. The simplicity of setup allows pilot project implementation creating a very low risk entry point for the operator.

A pilot project was selected for a controlled investigation of the performance and impact. Robust testing was done in both water and oil phases prior to treatment, confirming the potential for improved sweep and conformance from the project. Subsequent implementation resulted in decreased water cut and increased oil recovery observable both at the wellhead and allocated pilot levels.

This paper summarizes a rigorous analysis of the pilot project’s performance to date, concluding that the production improvement should be credited to the implementation of the AERO™ System.

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