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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference & Exhibition, June 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-165093-MS
... damage due to water filtrate may be accomplished by just flowing the well and can be accelerated using solvents or surfactants. However, once the formation reaches its irreducible water saturation, remediating water saturation below the irreducible value may not significantly improve its permeability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference & Exhibition, June 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-165096-MS
... taken to eliminate the permeability impairment effects caused by the change in water saturation of the tested core. Average fluid loss in the core flooding test over 3 days at 320 °F was about 50 ml. Restoration of the Berea core permeability after the treatment exceeded 95% of the initial permeability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference & Exhibition, June 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-165180-MS
... taking place when decreasing the ionic strength and their use can serve to improve the deployment of the technology, including the prevention of formation damage. enhanced recovery waterflooding concentration formation damage Upstream Oil & Gas water saturation permeability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference & Exhibition, June 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-165160-MS
... fluids prior to the exposure of oil-based drilling fluids. These data are presented in comparison to duplicate tests on strongly water-wet cores. The difference in return permeability results when comparing the two start conditions is significant. Upstream Oil & Gas water saturation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, June 7–10, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-143988-MS
... is solely a result of poor permeability – not formation damage. flow in porous media water saturation relative permeability forensic petrophysics reevaluation upstream oil & gas formation permeability permeability model gas permeability air permeability fluid dynamics well productivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, June 7–10, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-142284-MS
... upstream oil & gas well productivity damage mechanism wellbore breakout tight gas reservoir perforation invasion mechanical damage permeability completion installation and operations water saturation skin factor reservoir Introduction Tight gas reservoirs normally have production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th European Formation Damage Conference, May 27–29, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-122034-MS
... evaluating water blocking. This paper takes example from Daniudi tight gas reservoir in northern Ordos Basin, China. The potential tendency to water phase trapping damage is intense by the research on the geology characters such as abnormal low water saturation, pore structure. The severity of water trapping...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th European Formation Damage Conference, May 27–29, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-121812-MS
... by water vaporization is assessed and compared to the experimental results. flow in porous media water block gas back flow Fluid Dynamics displacement experiment permeability damage Upstream Oil & Gas Saturation profile water saturation saturation invasion gas permeability gas return...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th European Formation Damage Conference, May 27–29, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-122140-MS
... and permeability due to restriction of the pores by the halite precipitate. The equations were solved numerically for the one dimensional case, using standard reservoir simulation methods. Laboratory experiments were performed using a sand pack containing highly saline water at ‘irreducible’ water saturation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th European Formation Damage Conference, May 27–29, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-122021-MS
... in the reservoir simulation model. The layer properties in the reservoir simulation model are shown in Table 1 . Two of the layers represent shales and are not active in the model. The reservoir simulation model is set-up with an initial water saturation of 100% in the fracture grid blocks to model the state...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th European Formation Damage Conference, May 27–29, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-121944-MS
... it was concluded that the native water saturation should be high (>70%) and immobile in similar formations and because of the high imbibition rate the water behaves as a potential blocking phase in the cores. The mentioned factors seriously influence both the resource/reserve assessment and the production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 8th European Formation Damage Conference, May 27–29, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-122225-MS
... Condensate dropout productivity improvement condensate reservoir Fluid Dynamics water saturation productivity wellbore Introduction Under normal production conditions, gas pressure diminishes as the distance to the wellbore decreases. When the pressure falls below the dew point of the gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the European Formation Damage Conference, May 30–June 1, 2007
Paper Number: SPE-107844-MS
... of a combination of reduced depth of invasion, a higher relative perm in the invaded zone and/or longer effective frac lengths. flow in porous media hydraulic fracturing drillstem/well testing Upstream Oil & Gas water saturation recovery microemulsion system contact angle Fluid Dynamics...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, May 25–27, 2005
Paper Number: SPE-94649-MS
... matrix permeability node upstream oil & gas holditch simulation production rate fracture face damage hydraulic fracturing water saturation gas production pressure gradient calculation capillary pressure saturation visualization spe gradient spe 94649 experiment matrix saturation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, May 21–22, 2001
Paper Number: SPE-68972-MS
... injection water saturation permeability upstream oil & gas mechanism crevice adsorption-entanglement layer permeability reduction fluid dynamics saturation retention flow rate flow in porous media spe 68972 polymer solution disproportionate permeability reduction spe 68972 polymer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, May 21–22, 2001
Paper Number: SPE-68973-MS
... water saturation oil production relative permeability relative permeability modifier experiment reservoir simulation initial water saturation spe 68973 permeability water cut oil rate saturation modifier reduction permeability modifier time van batenburg reservoir productivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference, May 15–16, 1995
Paper Number: SPE-30094-MS
... permeability water saturation water production application upstream oil & gas fluid dynamics flow in porous media evaluation technique effective permeability reservoir oil production hydrocarbon absolute permeability fracture enhanced recovery geologist reservoir surveillance bwpd...

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