Current offshore operations are extremely expensive because of the operational environment and the necessary infrastructure. In this environment, emphasis is placed on high-efficiency operations based on specially tailored solutions combining available resources with new technologies.

To introduce greater efficiencies in offshore operations, a horizontal openhole candidate well was selected to be equipped with a permanent completion system that would enable multiple fracturing treatments. Later, it was determined that by using a novel viscoelastic polymer-free surfactant-based fluid, the entire operation could be performed in a single pumping operation, improving efficiency and adding additional savings to the process.

Because a specialized fracturing vessel tailored for operations in the Black Sea was not available, a supply vessel was used. The vessel had all required fracturing equipment rigged up and secured on decks.

To enable sufficient fracturing fluid volume for placing three propped fracturing treatments in a single pumping operation, a polymer-free fracturing fluid was formulated and mixed with seawater continuously.

This novel multistage fracturing system combined with polymer-free viscoelastic surfactant fluid system prepared with seawater was applied in the World for the first time. Results indicate a sustained increased production.

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