There is an uncanny resemblance between the Upstream Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (E&P) industry and the BioPharma R&D Industry, which discovers, develops and markets drugs and vaccines. This paper will describe these comparisons; discuss some of the new trends in the BioPharma industry and show why there are lessons there that are just as valid and important to the Upstream Oil and Gas industry:

  • Translational analysis across traditional development (departmental) data silos to get a better understanding of the underlying nature of the asset being developed is important.

    • Discovery, Nonclinical, and Clinical development of a drug candidate in Pharma R&D;

    • Earth Science, Reservoir, Drilling and Production data in Upstream Oil and Gas of a potentially producible oil field.

  • The BioPharma industry has recognized the need to extract enriched metadata and patterns from collected raw data; and it is now moving towards building models with these patterns for decision making.

    • This is relevant for the Oil and Gas industry particularly for drilling safety and prediction.

  • Dealing with disparate data types and their volumes has proven difficult with traditional data warehouse technologies and elusive in meeting the goals of a flexible innovation platform for the future.

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