This paper will contain insights and experiences from automating, monitoring, and optimizing over 7500 oil and gas wells in North America. The material will be presented in the form of a brief PowerPoint presentation and narration. There will be keen insight to the field/operations benefits. More importantly, it will outline other enterprise wide results associated with delivering field data directly to relevant back office systems for near time decision making.
The paper will delve into where these projects begin in the field and where they end with the consumers and users of the production data. There will also be key insights about how powerful the data can be once it is characterized, normalized and prepared for roll up views and management reports for quicker decision making, resource play management and production surveillance.
There will be specific descriptions of the field benefits like increased production and reduced downtime. There will also be descriptions of the back office benefits, for instance, enhancing the value of production engineers by giving him/her the tools they need to monitor and examine existing production, real time.
The conclusions will show that the oil and gas industry spends millions of dollars drilling wells and very little automating, monitoring and optimizing those same wells on a relative basis. It will also point out the grave shortage of personnel in the industry and how technology is the key to battling that issue.
The benefits of monitoring and surveillance of production are infinite (if used correctly) in the life cycle of an oil and gas asset. The examination of that data and the decisions based on that data is the key to receiving full value for the exploitation and operation of the oil and gas asset.