The water depth operating capability of a dynamically positioned semisubmersible drilling rig normally rated for 8,100 feet, has been extended to beyond 10,000 feet by deployment of a Surface BOP, a 13 3/8" casing riser and a Subsea Disconnect System (SDS). The rig and equipment package has recently successfully drilled an exploration well in 9,474 feet water depth, representing a new record for both the operator and the host country Brazil.

This paper focuses on the 5 main features of the equipment concept, design, development and deployment:

  • Setting Up the Operator-Service Provider Joint Team and Alignment of Goals

  • Defining the Functional Requirements

  • Combination New Technology and Off The Shelf Components

  • Description of System Units: Surface BOP, Subsea Disconnect System, Surface and Subsea Control Systems and Acoustic Digital Spread Spectrum system (ADS2).

  • Rig Interfaces

The paper describes the output from early hazard assessment exercises used to define the basic design parameters, the selection of appropriate acoustic communication technology to provide the opportunity for future developments, risks and how they were managed, Integration Testing and Deployment.

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