Sincor, an operating company owned by TotalFinaElf/ PDVSA/Statoil is utilizing real-time well construction monitoring technology for its field development program in the Zuata area of Eastern Venezuela. From each rig site, real-time Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) and surface drilling parameter data are transmitted via satellite, 300 km to Sincor’s headquarters in Caracas.
The survey information (inclination and azimuth), along with the gamma ray and resistivity LWD data are for the first time directly and automatically loaded into a Landmark Graphics Openworks™ database. The well trajectory (with LWD curves) can then be viewed on the seismic profile. The seismic profile is automatically posted to the Sincor intranet allowing viewing either by the rig site team members or by Caracas team members from their offices or homes, thus ensuring 24-hour coverage. Multiple wells are monitored simultaneously. With this information, the geo-science and drilling engineering teams both in Caracas and at the rig sites can immediately make better-informed decisions, such as redefining the well trajectory.
This paper will discuss the processes involved from the initial well design on the seismic section through to the real-time acquisition of data while drilling and its subsequent transfer to Caracas. There, the actual well trajectories and the LWD curves can be viewed in real time against the seismic sections and proposed well paths.