
The goal for the project was to perforate a new high-pressure interval in live well conditions in one single run. Completion fluid was displaced to a lighter fluid, followed by gun deployment of 466 ft. to perforate a high-pressure gas interval.

Methods, Procedures, Process

It is understood that electric wireline, slick line and coiled tubing can be used to lubricate shorter intervals multiple times in and out of a well which is live. However, this can remove the advantages of dynamic underbalance and effective underbalanced perforating clean up. Operation was staged to prepare the wellbore for perforating, displacing the completion fluid from 1.7 SG CaBr2, to seawater, to 1.13 SG KCl brine. With the well ready for perforating, the use of the advanced live-well deployment system and intelligent coiled tubing BHA a 466ft long perforating assembly was conveyed to target depth in one run and successfully perforated the interval of interest in an underbalanced condition.

Results, Observations, Conclusions

The project efficiencies were maximized by taking an integrated approach to the overall project. By utilizing an Advanced Live Well deployment system, virtually any length of assembly can be safely deployed and recovered from a live well. Furthermore, by integrating this system with the Intelligent Coiled Tubing bottom hole assemblies for deployment and detonation, utilizing "rock optimized "perforating guns and Thru-Tubing Intervention systems, a complete solution can be provided for the operator. The application of the systems, resulted in a flawless execution, and a reduction in the operational risks associated with an operation that historically was classed as a high-risk project.

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