This paper will highlight the advantages of multi-skilling intervention personnel on offshore installations. Crew members are from different service lines including Wireline, Slickline, Coiled Tubing and Gas Lift (completions). It will discuss how a multi-skilled crew is formed, specific scenarios on how they are utilized and how to develop and maintain the competencies of these personnel.

Through Multi-skilling personnel there is a potential to reduce crew sizes up to 50% for some standard intervention operations. Multi-skilling personnel during the 2020/2021 global pandemic has become critical as personnel movements across regions have become limited or nonexistent in some cases.

Reducing personnel on board has several benefits including lower personnel and logistics costs, lower carbon footprint of transportation of personnel, higher utilization of personnel, and motivating and retaining high skilled personnel as they learn new skills. It also allows for local personnel to be used for multiple operations permitting lower cost interventions to continue during a major global crisis.

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