This paper will demonstrate technology to do downhole interior reconstruction in an older well design to create larger tool access using wireline technology. The intent is to document the applied technology and the value creation.
The methods described were actual field operations demonstrating the successful application of the technology in a mature field. This paper will describe the history, background and challenges of a well in this mature field and the subsequent application of alternate technology to overcome those challenges and maintain the asset as a viable, producing well.
Due to the availability of downhole tools and services to solve an immediate problem in a well, the need to reconstruct the existing wellbore interior to create larger access for example, becomes inevitable in many cases. Such was the case on offshore wells in Indonesia where the inner diameter size of the downhole accessories forbid tools to reach the lower targeted depth.
Following the success of the first nipple milling in the world at an Operator's field in Indonesia in 2009, another 12 wells had applied the same intervention technique at one field location and many other wells in various part of the world. The advantage of wireline nipple milling includes level of precision in milling, new smooth finishing of treated downhole accessories or completions, minimum cuttings left downhole, minimum volume of liquid required, small footprint required during operation and speed of milling operation that could be less than 2 hours even in small restriction such as 2.6 inch inner diameter.
This paper presents the up to date achievements, case histories, challenges, best practices and technical aspects of the aforementioned milling system as well as similar challenges can be solved using similar technique.