Traditional slickline work usually encompasses basic mechanical manipulation for downhole intervention work. In the recent past, a variety of battery-powered downhole tools have emerged in the market, providing additional deepwater solutions for the industry. These tools include the extended-reach downhole power unit and the smart release tool. The downhole electrical power unit is an electro-mechanical setting tool that uses a timer activation switch to begin the setting process for a variety of downhole tools. The smart release tool provides a timer-based mechanism to release the deployment wire from the downhole toolstring, eliminating the exposures associated with dropping a cutter in the event of a stuck tool. These tools can be conveyed on slickline for a variety of intervention solutions, including setting tubing plugs and packers, pulling subsea tree plugs, setting pressure gauges in tubing profiles, and providing a mechanical release in highly-deviated, extended-reach wellbores.

This paper discusses specific well-intervention case histories using the downhole electrical power unit and the smart release tool. In the first case history, the downhole electrical power unit was used to set a packer assembly during a safety- valve repair. The smart release tool was used to soft set memory pressure gauges in wells without functioning, permanent downhole gauges, eliminating the need for jar action that could damage the gauges. Adaptations were made to the existing tool designs to respond to the well-specific challenges.

These case histories demonstrate applications in which the electro-mechanical timer-activated tools have provided solutions for deepwater Gulf of Mexico well-intervention projects. The discussion includes lessons learned from previous project designs, development of operational best practices, and possible future applications to extend the role of slickline in deepwater operations. Applications may include the use of the downhole power unit to set packers and bridge plugs in conjunction with memory logging tools to correlate depth, as well as continued use of the smart release tool to minimize risks associated with downhole mechanical evaluation and memory data acquisition.

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